My experience at Fantasy Bridal was amazing. They provided me with everything i needed, and Haley was an awesome consultant! I tried on about 10 dresses but always came back to the one!! Of course it was the only one I tried on that was over my budget, but at least it wasn't much over and its everything I wanted in a dress! So, needless to say I am very excited and happy with my choice. My family that came were awesome and helpful, thanks everyone who came. For those that couldn't make it I still love ya, but you'll just have to wait to see the dress with everyone else on our wedding day :D
So, now that the dress is taken care of I need to move on to the planning another part of the wedding. I need to start looking for Gavin's ring, but I'm not really sure what I'm looking for. I would like something original, but there just doesn't seem to be that many men styles, and out of those very few styles that i like. any suggestion on where to go?
Next, my cousin Stacey sent me a link to these bubble archways, and I must say they are pretty awesome....
That's all for today :D I hope everyone has a great thanksgiving weekend with their families. Travel Safely! Love ya and remember to Smile :D
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Dress Shopping
So tomorrow I am going to my 1st dress appointment!! I am very excited, and am hoping to find what i am looking for. Since i do want my dress choice to be a surprise, i might post pics of the dresses i try on but i will not reveal which dress i choose. :D I am still pretty sure that i am going to pick a short dress, but i am going to try on some full length styles to help make sure the short dress is really for me....
So for this post my question is how do you feel about short v. long dresses? Do you think i can pull a short dress off?
No matter what though this one is my final choice :D Yay! I'm super excited :D
So for this post my question is how do you feel about short v. long dresses? Do you think i can pull a short dress off?
No matter what though this one is my final choice :D Yay! I'm super excited :D
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Well, i Know i want daisy's as our flowers and Yellow and White as our colors.. I'm having a hard time picking out a style for our cake... here are 3 ideas, Please, give me some feed back :D
#1 I honestly can't decided if i HATE or LOVE this......
#1 I honestly can't decided if i HATE or LOVE this......

#2... Is it to yellow?

Tell me what you guys think of these... or let me know if you can find something out there i'm missing :D

#3 is it to much??? 

Friday, October 15, 2010
So I said the next post i made would be the story of Gavin proposing to me.. Well here it is..
It all started when we went shopping in September of 2009, and we found the ring :D which i love! Gavin put in on layaway that way i wouldn't know when he had paid if off and i wouldn't know when he was going to propose. I told him i didn't want to have any idea since i already had picked out the ring i felt i already knew too much. Time went by and i felt like it should be coming soon and i started getting impatient. Valentines day came around and I knew he wouldn't propose to me then because thats not very original and he knew i wanted surprise. but when we got to his house he had the room all decorated cute, candles, roses, candy and stuffed animals. :D i ran and jumped on the bed in the middle of it and found a card. he wasn't in the room so i thought i would open in anyways. Well, it was so cute, it went on about how he couldn't picture his life with out me ect... and at the bottom it said "so i have just one question for you?" --->(arrow pointing to something) luckly i was alone because i began searching for what i thought was going to be the ring, crazy me jumping to conclusions... but infact the arrow was for me to turn the page in the card as it read " will you be my valentine?"... I felt like a kid on christimas who just got to open all of his presents and then have them all taken away.. Gavin laughed at me and told me i should have known better, but i still didn't find his joke very funny...
After this my impatience got a lot worse, and i missed alot of weird signs that would have told me it was coming but i choice to ignore them because well i'm me.. I remember being at work, it was a monday March 22 2010, and telling MJ i think he is going to propose soon. MJ told me i needed to be patient and stop worrying about it. Of course i didn't and it was on my mind all night. I went over to gavins after work just like normal. we just started talking, he was getting ready to move at the time. He told me he found one of his old sketch books while packing and wanted to know if i would like to look at it. (Gavin is an amazing drawer/artist in case you didn't know) Of course i said yes, as soon as i opened it i knew what is was. the first page said "Our Story" :D it preceded page by page of stories and pictures he had drawn on how we met, started dating, and memories of our life together so far. i kinda didn't read much into it at the time, i was to excited. I finally made it to the last page that asked "Mandy will you marry me?" and i looked up and there he was on his knee :D so cute, it's makes me cry thinking about it again :D
O i said yes by the way! But thats how it happened, just one random night me in my stinky pie clothes and all ... I love him tons
It all started when we went shopping in September of 2009, and we found the ring :D which i love! Gavin put in on layaway that way i wouldn't know when he had paid if off and i wouldn't know when he was going to propose. I told him i didn't want to have any idea since i already had picked out the ring i felt i already knew too much. Time went by and i felt like it should be coming soon and i started getting impatient. Valentines day came around and I knew he wouldn't propose to me then because thats not very original and he knew i wanted surprise. but when we got to his house he had the room all decorated cute, candles, roses, candy and stuffed animals. :D i ran and jumped on the bed in the middle of it and found a card. he wasn't in the room so i thought i would open in anyways. Well, it was so cute, it went on about how he couldn't picture his life with out me ect... and at the bottom it said "so i have just one question for you?" --->(arrow pointing to something) luckly i was alone because i began searching for what i thought was going to be the ring, crazy me jumping to conclusions... but infact the arrow was for me to turn the page in the card as it read " will you be my valentine?"... I felt like a kid on christimas who just got to open all of his presents and then have them all taken away.. Gavin laughed at me and told me i should have known better, but i still didn't find his joke very funny...
After this my impatience got a lot worse, and i missed alot of weird signs that would have told me it was coming but i choice to ignore them because well i'm me.. I remember being at work, it was a monday March 22 2010, and telling MJ i think he is going to propose soon. MJ told me i needed to be patient and stop worrying about it. Of course i didn't and it was on my mind all night. I went over to gavins after work just like normal. we just started talking, he was getting ready to move at the time. He told me he found one of his old sketch books while packing and wanted to know if i would like to look at it. (Gavin is an amazing drawer/artist in case you didn't know) Of course i said yes, as soon as i opened it i knew what is was. the first page said "Our Story" :D it preceded page by page of stories and pictures he had drawn on how we met, started dating, and memories of our life together so far. i kinda didn't read much into it at the time, i was to excited. I finally made it to the last page that asked "Mandy will you marry me?" and i looked up and there he was on his knee :D so cute, it's makes me cry thinking about it again :D
O i said yes by the way! But thats how it happened, just one random night me in my stinky pie clothes and all ... I love him tons
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Well with the help of my friend Sterling, i have finally figured out what to blog about.. Our Wedding, from the engagement to all the planning :D I'll post ideas and details and hopefully i'll get some feedback to create more great ideas to make our wedding the most AMAZING day in Gavin and my life :D Yay!!
so far planned we have
August 13th 2011 (wedding day)
Camp Williams (location)
Gavin McKenna (Groom)
Mandy DeVaney (Bride)
Yellow & Whit e (Wedding Colors)
Daisys (Flowers)
Custom Reebox (wedding shoes)
and I want a short dress...
Hopefully i can figure out how to add pics into my blog and then i'll be abe to share the ideas in my head :D .... Well i'll sure to be posting again soon, and i'll share our engagement story!!
so far planned we have
August 13th 2011 (wedding day)
Camp Williams (location)
Gavin McKenna (Groom)
Mandy DeVaney (Bride)
Yellow & Whit e (Wedding Colors)
Daisys (Flowers)
Custom Reebox (wedding shoes)
and I want a short dress...
Hopefully i can figure out how to add pics into my blog and then i'll be abe to share the ideas in my head :D .... Well i'll sure to be posting again soon, and i'll share our engagement story!!
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
As I lay here frustrated that the school has still not put my financial aid for the semester through, I wonder why does Bugsly always sleep and/or lay in the most inconvenient spot. like right now he choices to be on my chest while i try and type. but he is too cute to make move :(. so on goes my day. I need to go to the bank and class. that's my day. not very exciting i know. bla
My roommate matt is making a lot of noise above me right now. like he is running... i wonder what he is up to this morning?? or afternoon. whatever you choose to call this time of day. but it's morning to me since i just awoke from my long needed slumper.
Gavin is at work, so that means its just me bugsly and netflix till class.. boring
My roommate matt is making a lot of noise above me right now. like he is running... i wonder what he is up to this morning?? or afternoon. whatever you choose to call this time of day. but it's morning to me since i just awoke from my long needed slumper.
Gavin is at work, so that means its just me bugsly and netflix till class.. boring
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Back to School! bla
At least on the positive note i can say this is my last year. I will only have 8% of my degree to finish spring semester so if i don't graduate it will be truely sad. :( Bur my classes this semester are all pretty interesting. i love my comm law class. the material is very interesting, but the test will stress me out forsure :(.
So i was 1 1/2 hrs late to work today, and no one noticed. hmm well they did when i got there, cause will and i showed up at the same time and this caused a wee bit of confusion. What i don't get is i had my schedule written down and in my wallet (correctly) and i still messed up. WOW i am struggling at life today :P I like to think i'm pretty good about that stuff, just not today i guess.
Jimmy Johns is open and being amazing as i'm sure you would imagine, they are even doing a corporate sponsorship to our Spirit Squad! YAY! :D
well i'm drawing a blank.. so Good Night :D
At least on the positive note i can say this is my last year. I will only have 8% of my degree to finish spring semester so if i don't graduate it will be truely sad. :( Bur my classes this semester are all pretty interesting. i love my comm law class. the material is very interesting, but the test will stress me out forsure :(.
So i was 1 1/2 hrs late to work today, and no one noticed. hmm well they did when i got there, cause will and i showed up at the same time and this caused a wee bit of confusion. What i don't get is i had my schedule written down and in my wallet (correctly) and i still messed up. WOW i am struggling at life today :P I like to think i'm pretty good about that stuff, just not today i guess.
Jimmy Johns is open and being amazing as i'm sure you would imagine, they are even doing a corporate sponsorship to our Spirit Squad! YAY! :D
well i'm drawing a blank.. so Good Night :D
Thursday, July 8, 2010
All Moved!!!
So, I am all moved into the boys house! Yay, well i guess its my house now too. Although i'm trying to be nice and keep all my girly stuff to just my room. But i did buy a cute Orange drink pitcher and put it in the fridge, i went agaist the pink though so i think i did well.. OMG Tyrel one of my new roomies just informed me of some wonderful news and since i was already here blogging i thought i would share! a new Jimmy Johns is opening 2 blocks from our house so not only can i go their everyday we are in their delivery area! YAY this is going to be awesome, another good reason to have made the choice to move in here! :D Now i need volunteers to help with a car wash to raise money for the American Cancer Society this Sat. now i know putting this on here is pointless bc well no one reads my blogs. :( sad day .. o well i'll get over this eventually or i'll just putting it in every blog.
So Gavin has been working ALOT this week and i don't like it. he worked 15hrs yesterday :( he said he would be home at ten so i made us dinner and he wasn't home at ten so i ended up eating alone and he had to warm his back up :( I know he needs to work but i don't like that all we do is sleep in the same house. this is not quality time :( At least Matt and Tyrel are around to keep me company :D Well blog world have a great day!
Smiles, Mandy
So Gavin has been working ALOT this week and i don't like it. he worked 15hrs yesterday :( he said he would be home at ten so i made us dinner and he wasn't home at ten so i ended up eating alone and he had to warm his back up :( I know he needs to work but i don't like that all we do is sleep in the same house. this is not quality time :( At least Matt and Tyrel are around to keep me company :D Well blog world have a great day!
Smiles, Mandy
Monday, June 28, 2010
I love my Crazy Grandma!
So, this blog is short but SWEET!!
I went shopping at wal-mart with my grandma, mom and gavin this afternoon. all was going normal, until my grandma decided she needed moose to take camping with her.. what she needs moose in the woods for i don't know but neways. So there was a lady in the isle with her cart in the middle, not off to either side as my grandma would prefer because she could not get her cart into the isle because of it. So what does my grandma do, she rams the ladies cart head on, and continues to raming it untill the lady finally moves her cart and apologizes. my grandma still feels this was necesary and doesn't understand why we all were laughing and running away embarassed.. :D o and my mom tripped and feel while trying to run away from the scene.. great day at walmart, and i love my Grandma!! :D
I went shopping at wal-mart with my grandma, mom and gavin this afternoon. all was going normal, until my grandma decided she needed moose to take camping with her.. what she needs moose in the woods for i don't know but neways. So there was a lady in the isle with her cart in the middle, not off to either side as my grandma would prefer because she could not get her cart into the isle because of it. So what does my grandma do, she rams the ladies cart head on, and continues to raming it untill the lady finally moves her cart and apologizes. my grandma still feels this was necesary and doesn't understand why we all were laughing and running away embarassed.. :D o and my mom tripped and feel while trying to run away from the scene.. great day at walmart, and i love my Grandma!! :D
Friday, June 25, 2010
Clean Car
So i cleaned my car... I'm going to just say this is HUGE!!!
I haven't cleaned my car since i have had it.. and that has been close to a year now! Gavin and i spent the afternoon yesterday cleaning our cars. it was NOT fun, but worth it! I don't even recognize my car right now..
Then we went to the gym, on a hike with Bugsly, made dinner, and got a little tipsy via Chardonnay.. and started watching new moon but feel asleep before the end. Speaking of which this time next week, Eclipse will be out! YAY!!! I love it! I'm a hard core Twihard!
So, its official, i'm moving in with the boys next week. I'm pretty excited! It'll be nice to finally live with Gavin, but i will have my own room with my own bed (as requested by my mother till we're married) but i'm fine with that i like having my own space!
So, my blog is pretty sad and lonely, its only follower is itself :( i don't know how to get more or even how to find people i know on here!! but saying this here is pointless sense no one reads this but me! Thats okay though! I like it :D Well blog world have a great day!
Don't forget to SMILE!! :D
I haven't cleaned my car since i have had it.. and that has been close to a year now! Gavin and i spent the afternoon yesterday cleaning our cars. it was NOT fun, but worth it! I don't even recognize my car right now..
Then we went to the gym, on a hike with Bugsly, made dinner, and got a little tipsy via Chardonnay.. and started watching new moon but feel asleep before the end. Speaking of which this time next week, Eclipse will be out! YAY!!! I love it! I'm a hard core Twihard!
So, its official, i'm moving in with the boys next week. I'm pretty excited! It'll be nice to finally live with Gavin, but i will have my own room with my own bed (as requested by my mother till we're married) but i'm fine with that i like having my own space!
So, my blog is pretty sad and lonely, its only follower is itself :( i don't know how to get more or even how to find people i know on here!! but saying this here is pointless sense no one reads this but me! Thats okay though! I like it :D Well blog world have a great day!
Don't forget to SMILE!! :D
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Summer in Ogden
Well this is my first summer in Ogden, or not living at home i should say. I always would move back home with my mom for the summers but since she moved to salt lake this past year and other factors i decided to stay. I am living with my friend lola currently but looks like i will be moving into the boys house next month. That should be fun, me and 4 boys.... but they are all my team mates so it should be fun, o and did i mention that Gavin and i are now ENGAGED!! yeah i'm super excited!! the date is set for Aug 13th 2011... Yay!! well blog world, i haven't been on here since march of 09 and i still have no followers :(Sad.. maybe i should get on more and stop talking to myself about things i already know haha!! and i should follow some people! but i still can't seem to find anyone i know on here!! i need some help on this thing!! SOMEONE HELP ME FIND YOU!! well Gavin is making me dinner tonight so i shall go enjoy that :D I'll try to post again this week!! no I WILL POST AGAIN THIS WEEK!! :D Good Night!!
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